segunda-feira, outubro 27, 2008
As histórias mesclam-se!
"The Sport and Gymnastic School in Kiedaisch, established in 1928, is a traditionally prestigious private gymnastic school in Germany, and is one of the schools that employ eminent teachers in gymnastics, together with “Bode School (Bode Schule)” and “Medau School (Medau Schule)”. The aim of this paper is to prepare some fundamental data concerning the present status of gymnastics in Germany by reporting classes given at Sport and Gymnastic School in Kiedaisch with a help of vision based upon these experiences and collected data of the author. The main conclusion of my study is as follows."
"In “Ground Gymnastics” classes, mainly five ground forms in the German gymnastics, namely, “to bounce, to walk, to run, to jump, and to swing”, are taken into the movement. In “Hand-apparatus Gymnastics” classes, such ordinary apparatuses as “a ball, rope, ribbon” are used, and teaching is concerned not only with the way of handling the apparatus but also with the manner how to use the body."
MAS, no período entre guerras, o motivo da adaptação dos aparelhos portáteis (de mão), foram diferentes!
afinal há diferença entre o que é manufaturado e o que é maquinofaturado.